Making Programmed Drums Sound Real

Even with great-sounding VST drumkits, it can be tricky to make them sound real – here are some great tips!
Read moreEven with great-sounding VST drumkits, it can be tricky to make them sound real – here are some great tips!
Read moreIf you are struggling with getting your lead playing up to speed, pinpoint and target your specific weaknesses with these exercises.
Read moreStay motivated and reach your musical goals by keeping track of you practice sessions with the OSIRIS GUITAR Journal – a practice journal app for iPhone and iPad. Log sessions with and share them on Facebook to impress your friends, as well as handy statistics and diagrams of your progress.
Read moreHaving two guitars that play the same melody but at different intervals in a scale, you can create the same beautiful effect for your lead guitars that choirs use for vocal harmonies.
Read moreWith no bassist and no bass guitar, you can still make bass tracks for your songs using a plugin in your DAW. Learn how to apply the mixing tips in the Systematic Mixing Guide bass chapter to a bass plugin to get a great bass tone.
Read moreMany people find it difficult to play to a metronome, compared to playing to a drum track. However, this simple but clever trick by famous bass player Victor Wooten will help you play to a metronome and increase your consistency and tightness.
Read moreMixing and studio blog The Recording Revolution released a very popular series of 5-minute instructional videos about recording and mixing. Now they’ve released a second series of videos – 31 fresh 5-minutes video, all worth every second of your time.
Read more5 great tips on how to get the most out of your practice and how to get out of a slump when you feel your playing is not moving forward and that you’re not evolving as a guitarist.
Read moreBuying your first guitar can be a daunting task. As a beginner, it’s difficult knowing even what questions to ask yourself. And should you buy a new guitar to get a warranty or get the most value for your money getting a preowned? Here are 5 great tips!
Read moreA high enough playing speed without getting sloppy is often the hardest thing to achieve as a beginner. Here are 5 great tips on how to get there!
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