Impressive JamUp Showoff

The JamUp iOS amp sim is recognized as one of the best, if not the best. Here’s a video where Jeff Loomis and Keith Merrow show what it’s really capable of!
Read moreThe JamUp iOS amp sim is recognized as one of the best, if not the best. Here’s a video where Jeff Loomis and Keith Merrow show what it’s really capable of!
Read moreThis is the first of a three part series about writing, recording and mixing your first song. I’m by no means an expert on the subject, but this will get you started. The obvious first obstacle is coming up with a song, writing the chords and notes. Composing, if you will. So where do you […]
Read moreI found a list of 10 great tips in an unexpected place – Wikihow. Wikihow is a collaborative site with how-to manuals on almost every subject, including writing thrash riffs apparently. The tips are simple but really very good and most of them can be applied to writing music in general. Here’s the list in […]
Read moreGuitar Pro has always been an invaluable tool for my guitar learning. First as a tool to not only read tabs but actually hear them – it’s incredible how the wrong tempo/phrasing can transform a tab for a newbie into a completely unintelligeble song. Lately I’ve been using it to tab down my own compositions, […]
Read moreWhen I come up with an amazing riff, I pull out my phone and record it immediately using SoundCloud (I hum or sing or something) and then I map them out on the fretboard when I have more time. Frighteningly often I realize it’s a Metallica riff I’ve hummed :-/ At least I’m not alone:
Read moreI came up with an awesome riff the other day. Today I recorded it and added some drums and stuff. I suddenly got that feeling, that you’ve heard something before… And it only got stronger. I finally realized the riff was extremely similar to the start of the main riff of Bark at the Moon. […]
Read moreI went to the guitar lesson yesterday pretty uninspired… I hadn’t found time to do my real homework, writing a new solo, so we didn’t really have anything planned. I was about to cancel, but decided to go anyway. It turned out a deep dive into modes with a lot of practical application! I had […]
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