Recording Metal Guitars in Reaper – Tutorial

Learn what equipment and software you need to get started recording guitars, how to battle latency, how to stay in tempo and how to double track.
Read moreLearn what equipment and software you need to get started recording guitars, how to battle latency, how to stay in tempo and how to double track.
Read moreI’m struggling a bit right now to find the right string gauges for my guitars. I put 11-54 on my Cort M520 (24,75″) in an attempt to tune it to drop C. Lowest string basically turned to spaghetti, and not very al dente at that… On my Ibanez S470 I’ve stayed with the factory 09-42, […]
Read moreWhen I was buying my first electric guitar I made a lot of research (because I always do). Having been a metal fan all of my life I found out I was pretty ignorant about guitars. I quickly found out that there are bunches of guitar makers, and more importantly two kinds of pickups. I […]
Read moreI currently own two acoustics and three electrics, the latter shown here: [slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157626503591114″ items=”50″ use_key=”y” sort=”date” order=”ascending”] Ibanez S470 BK with stock pickups, aching to be replaced Cort M520 with a Duncan Custom in the bridge and a Duncan Jazz arriving in the mail Schecter Omen 7 with Dimarzio Blaze in bridge, refitting […]
Read moreI’m restarting the blog. I was pretty happy with it as it was, only one problem – it wasn’t getting any traffic. This means only half of its reason for being was working; keeping an archive for myself. The other half, sharing and getting feedback wasn’t. I’ve identified a number of potential reasons for this: […]
Read moreOn the site Ultimate Metal there’s a forum dedicated to one the metal world’s great producers, Andy Sneap, who has produced Nevermore, Megadeth, Machine Head, Accept and many more. Even though the great Sneap himself doesn’t frequent the forum it’s a great meeting place for other skilled producers. One of them, Ermz, is currently writing a […]
Read moreA really useful map of the frequency range of different instruments, good to have when you are mixing. When you hover the mouse over different parts of the map it displays additional information about the instruments such as its generated frequencies and the ears ability to pick them up. You notice pretty much right away […]
Read moreAt Christmas I got one of the best gifts ever! Since the end of 2010 I’ve been a bit obsessed with Nevermore, so I guess it was inevitable that I would start looking for a seven string. One night in december I was halfheartedly browsing some ads on Sweden’s least serious guitar forum (although the best at […]
Read moreTwo months since the last post – busy, me? Oh well: With two kitchen countertops from the IKEA bargain department for about $10 you can build great guitars: More about the project: Notes: this is not my project, just found it on IKEA Hacker. Also, the term “furniture guitar” is used on Swedish guitar […]
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